Fast Forward Events | Mora Lucifer @ Camping A3

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Fast Forward Evenementenbureau Gent Festivalstand Mora Lucifer P18Q2Jffsq1Vk4Qgq1C6H4U616Ai6

Mora Lucifer @ Camping A3

The Mora Lucifer is a new Mora snack boasting to be ‘inflammably strong’. A bit like life at a rock festival, if you ask us. No better place than Camping A3 in other words to light this Match.

Fast Forward erected a 6 metre high inflatable Match - including fiery red tip - which acted like a beacon in a sea of people and allowed willing festival-goers to pose in front of the structure. Over the four days this scene was photographed more than a 1000 times and put online using the #morafestivals hashtag. By way of incentive the posers received a rugged looking Marcelleke (sleeveless vest) with the caption ‘Damn I’m Hot’. A successful activation which is tailor-made to the event and the target group, as it turned out.





Fast Forward Louise

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