40 Years Brooklyn
40 years of “a passion for fashion” simply calls out for a big celebration. Fast Forward was asked to be the party architect at the trusted Vooruit in Ghent. And only at an extraordinary party can you design your very own t-shirt with the Yrwall, does the Brooklyn skyline come to life in a 3D projection, will you find luminescent t-shirts in the decor or can you take part in an indoor bicycle race.
‘t Hof van Commerce’s performance, an extensive VIP zone & the live broadcast on Studio Brussel were the cherry on the birthday pie of fashion franchise Brooklyn. Signed by Fast Forward, with 1,000 witnesses

Let’s move Fast Forward
Do you want more info about our exceptional events with outstanding service? Flexibility and dynamism included.
Contact Fast Forward at +32 9 216 85 40 or send us an e-mail.