Together for clean beaches - the 14th edition!
5 tonnes of rubbish: that's the incredible and shocking result of the 14th edition of the Eneco Clean Beach Cup - Supported by Sunweb. The aim of this beach clean-up campaign? As inspirer Sven Fransen resolutely puts it, "the strength of this initiative lies in raising awareness".
If we want to tackle the problem of plastic at source, we need to show clearly the scale of the problem. That's why more than 3,000 enthusiastic cleaners braved the bad weather to roll up their sleeves. Thanks to our unwavering logic meets magic, all the volunteers got off to a smooth start at one of the 26 sites along the Belgian and Dutch coast.
As long as we produce plastic, it will continue to spread in nature. That's why we're inviting you to take part in the 15th Eneco Clean Beach Cup in 2024.
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